Race To Nowhere: Great documentary about schools pushing our kids too far.

Race To Nowhere: A documentary about schools and our children:

Today's students are simply being pushed too hard, too far, too fast, too much. It's insane to expect HS students to pull off the amount of responsibility and productivity that schools expect of them, especially in junior year. I'm disgusted that year after year people say this, but nobody does anything about changing this problem!

There are just too, too many kids out there who are completely stressed out, exhausted, overwhelmed, demoralized, defeated, depressed. And schools tell us it's the college's fault because colleges reward the kids with the "best grades." Well, what about schools -- ALL schools, high schools and colleges figuring out what education really is: A chance to learn, to absorb, to creatively problem solve. Not memorize and churn out senseless junk that has no emotional resonance with the youth of today.

Frankly, I'm totally fed up with the school system right now. Something needs to change.

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