If you're entirely fed up and cranky about having to endure yet another xmas, here's your carol! (NSFW)

Yes, if you're totally not into that tiresome Christian-thing and actually feel pretty dang bitter about having to tolerate one more redundant Merry-Whatever crap, have I got a song for you! (NSFW)
Yes, meet another form of Scrooge, Cynthia Kaplan.

And I actually feel I should preface the message of this post along with a bit of personal history that in fact Ms. Kaplan is not always the cranky-pants you might think she is from this video. (Lie. Sometimes she is.)

Actually, I personally know and love this woman very much. And the fact that she endured my wedding as one of my bridesmaids means she's a pretty tolerant person, trust me.
However, she's also wickedly smart and extremely funny so when she has a hankering to make her creative side known, I just duck and cover and say, "Hey! Cy Kap's got a Christmas Song for ya!"  (NSFW)

And so without any more holiday ado, here's the holiday comedy music video from the one and only Cynthia Kaplan:


To see Kaplan live -- Check out she and her band in person! -- THE CYNTHIA KAPLAN ORDEAL, as once again, she has some awesome gigs coming up featuring the excellent and very tall songman Sean Altman (Jewmongous!) and the luscious percussionist Mike Hunter (height unknown). There's also a bonus gig with the brilliant and funny Eric Schwartz thrown in there!

Don't blame me if you bring children under 15 and they turn into pimps and hos. I'm just the messenger. Blame Kaplan. It's all her idea.

Also, don't forget to also donate to some worthy cause! In fact, if you bring a printed receipt from a December donation to a gig, she'll give you a free CD. Unless she don't like your cause, and then you can forget it.


Thu. Dec. 5, '13 Towne Crier http://www.townecrier.com
Beacon, NY
(845) 855 1300, $15 advance ($20 at door), 7:30 show. Sean Altman with special guests Cindy, Audrey Babcock, and the great percussionist/multi-instrumentalist Mike Hunter.

Fri. Dec. 6, '13 The Basement Northampton, MA
413-387-6345, $10, doors 8pm for 8:30 concert, 21 Center Street (across from Iron Horse). This intimate room is run by the fine folks at the Iron Horse. Age 21+. Sean, Cindy and Mike.

Sat. Dec 7 Folk 'n Great Music http://www.folkngreatmusic.org/ Kaplan's opening for Eric Schwartz in this great music series. 8 pm show. Go to the website for details and reservations.

Thu. Dec. 19, '13 Iota Club & Cafe Arlington, VA
703-522-8340, $15 at door, 8pm, 2832 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201. With Sean, Cindy and Mike.

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