Paying attention to "that woman over there. No, not the pretty one, the other one."

I found this video with a tag line that said something like "What Made Dustin Hoffman Break Down Crying Like A Baby And May Make You Bawl, Too! See Here Why!" (Which may actually be a better title merely because it has two exclamation points in it.)

And is, I suppose, a very effective way to get people to look at something -- but what makes this so moving, and important and "save-worthy" is just how well Hoffman articulates what I know to be true about being a woman. About being female while being pretty compared to being a woman when one is considered just not as young or as pretty or beautiful as others are.

And this is true for all females, whether they are a child, or just a girl, or a young woman and certainly it is true of older women. Who were perhaps always not the prettiest one in the room all along. Or even true of those who used to be at one time, but are not anymore.

And so I'm reposting this here as I think Hoffman's exploration of this concept is truly worth us all having at least one viewing.

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