Sad Tom Stoppard Overlooked in Oscar Nominations

Anna Karenina should have been nominated for best adaptation or best screenplay…At the very least.

Other than not digging up Vivien Leigh for the part of Anna, it was a perfectly cast film.

And the dramatic device used to economically trim a brilliant, perfectly written novel of such scope into a 90 minute film narrative, such as seen in this year's film Anna Karenina, was entirely overlooked this year.

Not cool.   I loved this film for it captured some of what Tolstoy intended us to know.  NOT ALL OF IT, but some of it, and for that I am so grateful.

A beautiful film:  Even if it was overlooked by the Academy this year.

Vivien Leigh:  The best casting of Anna Karenina, in the history of film, to date.  
Tolstoy would have approved.

Link to a blogger who shares my P.O.V.

   "Everything else is just noise at this point – but I wanted to give Tom Stoppard some kudos for his tight Anna Karenina script. Even though I’m sure it was Joe Wright’s inspired choice to set the film in a theatre instead of the Russian countryside, that wouldn’t have been possible without Stoppard’s immaculately clipped version of the lofty story. He made all the right choices in what needed to stay and what needed to go."

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