Aimee Mann singing Freeway from her album, @#%&*! Smilers

Aimee Mann singing about my current "Home Town Buffet:" The Big OC, a place she clearly has great affection for. -- Not that I'd ever fault Mann for her dead pan, deadly accurate observations about this funny old world. Gotta hand it to her, she gets it just right so very often.

And now? -- I'm off to drive on one of these things…Enjoy.

You got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
The road to Orange County leaves an awful lot of leeway
Where everyone's a doctor or a specialist in retail
They'll sell you all the speed you want if you can take the blackmail

You know it
I know it
Why don't you
Just show it?
You got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
You got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway

You got a lot of money, but you cannot keep your bills paid
The sacrifice is worth it just to hang around the arcade
You found yourself a prophet, but you left him on the boardwalk
Another chocolate Easter bunny, hollowed out by your talk

You know it
I know it
Why don't you
Just show it?
You got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
You got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway

And everything I do is wrong
But at least I'm hanging on

You got a lot of money, but you can't afford
You got a lot of money, but you can't afford
You got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
You got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
You got a lot of money, but you
Can't afford
You got a lot of money, but you
Can't afford

From her album, @#%&*! Smilers
(Note: "@#%&*! Smilers" is pronounced Fucking Smilers)


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