This is us not listening to the news today, oh boy.

Today we will think about joy and light and being here in the present.

Today we will choose finding joy even when darkness is all around.

We are not choosing light because we do not feel pain, darkness or despair.

No, we choose joy because it is what keeps us eternal.

And in this bleak winter month we are required to do this with even more tenacity.

Our lives challenge us to keep joy alive, however it is what anybody who ever loved us,  who ever walked this earth that we loved would demand we do.  They would demand  we choose joy, not despair.

So listen to me, no matter how dire the news is, you trust the universe, okay?   And you find your joy. Because, because -- love is all you need -- Love is all you get.

Are you listening to me?  LOVE IS ALL YOU GET.

Don't squander it.

Love really is what makes the world go round.  Not anger.  Not mean.  Not insecure.  Not fear.  Not money.  Not bitterness.  Love.  Love is what makes the world go round.

Love and joy is all we get so when you find joy, hold it fast to your heart never let it go.  And if you can't love, then just move aside peacefully and let others love -- for you.   Even if you can't be loving, don't prevent others from loving.

Love is all we get.  Love is what remains.

I have to believe this in my heart.  Like a balloon released to a gray winter's sky.

I have to believe this.  I have to trust this.

Choose joy wherever you roam, wherever you are needed, wherever you realize that you are truly happy.  Realize what you love and honor that.

We're here, then we're not.  One day, we're just -- not.

And it's the joy we leave behind that counts.

Are you listening to me?  It's the joy you leave behind that counts.

So seize your joy, whatever this is, and hold it fast to your heart -- and don't ever, ever let it go.

Follow that joy.  Follow it all the way home -- wherever that is, wherever joy leads you.

Trust the universe.  Do you hear me?  -- Choose joy.  And follow joy no matter how disheartened you are.  Do not let go of that which makes your heart sing.  If you do -- it's done.  You are here now, so just -- love.  Now.

Take joy where you are happiest and in doing so you will make your own light and then, I promise you,  there's always a way home.

Trust the universe.


PS said…
I wholeheartedly agree. We haven’t turned on the TV in my house since 2009, except to watch DVDs from the library. I’ve done my share of squandering, but today was reserved for joy.
- took girls and their friend to church
- wrestled with the girls till they couldn't breathe from laughing
- girls and I cleaned out an entire closet of yesterday's memories
- Super Mario Bros. with the girls
- danced with my oldest while making dinner
- watched a Christmas movie
- youngest read Twas the Night Before Christmas to us
- called the Tooth Fairy

Love your insight and writings.

Peter said…
Your words are important. thank you for a caring contribution to the healing process.

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