Tina Fey bitch slaps Akin over "legitimate rape" commentary

Hey, I love this woman!

Truthfully?  I didn't used to.  My husband has always been fan enough for the both of us, however now I see why he adores her so much.  She's very smart, so funny, outspoken and best of all -- she's got great glasses.

But now?  I'm a believer!  Tina Fey's my hero after watching her speak out in this video.   It takes courage to call anyone out regarding the scary issues like rape and abortion.   She's right.  Where do these men get to have the last word on decisions regarding women's bodies, or rape, at all?   They don't get to define or make the rules about these things.  But they'll be happy to if we let them.  So, uh, let's not.  Kay?

Fey's obviously indignant about all these "gray-faced men," but she's also pretty brave to take on the stickier issues in this current political climate, too.  People are just plain mean about politics these days. Speaking out about tough topics ain't easy.  I get the finger just for having an Obama sticker on my car, but Fey?  She's the brave one.

Bottom line -- here's what women need to do:  Speak up for other women.  All the time.

Because if we wait for men to do it, it's not going to happen.

Here's what she said:


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