My Quick 'N Handy Election Day Progressive Voter Guide: For Orange County, California

Okay, folks.

Tea Party is out and voting today.  The lines are perky, and long and they all have wee chips on their shoulders...Trust me.  Just saw them all.

So, unless you are a rabid tea-bagger, and you actually give a crap about this election, then I suggest you find a way to get in line and do some voting, because the lines were long with people wearing a lot of "red, white and blue!" (-- blech!)

Here's my quick and easy two cents on how/why I voted in today's election (Take it for what it's worth.)

Voted Democrat straight down the line -- all the main ones.  (Brown, Newsom, Bowen, Chiang, Lockyer, Harris, Jones, Heising, Boxer,
Skipped the Justice stuff (Who cares?  Why bother?)
Schools -- Your call.  Your District.  (My kids go in a different district, so I'm out of the loop, there, frankly.)
Mayor:  Skipped.  I'm done.  They're all scary.  Winner takes the spoils.
City of Westminster:  PENNY LOOMER -- Only Democrat there.

19 -- YES.  Why not?  It beats alcoholism and it's a great way to raise needed funds.
20 -- Yes.  Makes it more fair to redistrict later for future voting, perhaps?
21 -- Yes.  I like Parks and Recreation.  And dolphins and raccoons.
22 -- No, mostly because other progressives said are against this.  I still don't really get this one.
23  -- No.  Oil Companies do not deserve our support.  THIS WOULD ALLOW BRIT PETROLEUM  TO HAPPEN HERE, TOO.  HORRIBLE IDEA.  NO, NO, NO.  LOWERS SAFETY LAWS FOR OIL COMPANIES AND DRILLING.  BAD IDEA.  VERY BAD.  Duh.  How dumb would this be now?
24 -- Yes. Would repeal a law that temporarily lowered taxes on businesses, but if it passes some business taxes could go back up.  (I admit, originally, I got this backwards.  But, fixed now)
 25. -- Yes.  May make it much easier to create a budget.
26.  -- No, because it may make it much harder then to pass environmental laws.  Bad idea.
27.  No.  May make it easier for the state legislature to re-elect their own.

And this is my own two cents on how to vote quick and easy on a day when clearly all the tea baggers are out in full force.


So, just go vote, guys.

Good luck!


Anonymous said…
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Thank you, again Pedro and Anonymous for your Quick & Easy suggestions and fixes!
Michael Koenig said…
All in all, we ended up with fairly decent results in California, except for Proposition 26, which was well funded by the polluters and didn't get enough attention from the good guys.

So, are you planning to recap the utterly mystifying THIRD season of Eric Schaeffer's I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M STILL SINGLE: FROM PORTLAND TO PORTLAND? (premieres tonight, November 4). From the description on Showtime's website it seems to be less about his search for love and more about his efforts to make a sequel to his first movie, MY LIFE'S IN TURNAROUND.
Oh, Crap! That's tonight?

Wow. Okay -- thanks for the reminder: Tonight I have my own kid's play to attend, but afterwards, Mr. Tivo and I will set a date for later viewing, it would appear!

Thank you for reminding me -- (I am need of a GREAT deal of reminding, lately!)

So thank you Mr. Koenig!

Season 3??? Jesus, God, they go and cancel "Carnivale", "Six Feet Under" and God only knows what other quality shows, but THIS keeps coming back like the un-dead...Amazing.


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