A beautiful economy in motion: Genki Sudo: World Order

We've all heard it before:  "Less is more." 

But what does that mean regarding movement?

"Less is more" is the mantra every actor and writer is hit over the head with, nearly hourly, by every teacher, choreograper or director they'll ever work with.    And as they'll all tell you, it is much easier said than done. 

Below's video, "World Order," by Genki Sudo puts this deceptively complicated artistic theory to practice in the medium of dance.   

*Note:  You will NEVER see ensemble work performed ANY more exquisitely than you see here.  This is the gold standard for ensemble work.  Period. 

And, note, you will never see a performance of our beating heart performed any more beautifully and powerfully than you see starting in about Minute 3:48.  Moving and gorgeous.  I'm in awe.

Okay, I'll admit I'd never heard of Genki Sudo, before, but by minute 3:48 I was a complete goner and had completely fallen under the magic spell of this poetry and precision of movement.  This work is profound.

And how do they do this?  They dance, that's all.  They just dance.

Seriously.  I am still trying to get the scoop on who the hell Genki Sudo really is, other than being thoroughly addictive and impossible to stop watching.  But my Wiki-sources aren't coming up with too much, yet.

Here's what I've come up with so far:   "World Order" is a music video from retired MMA-fighter Genki Sudo‘s album “World Order”.  And that the name of the dance group is “World Order” as well.

(So, this means this guy used to be a prize fighter?  Really?  No way.)

If anyone cares to enlighten me more about this guy, or who "World Order"is, then be my guest:  

Fire away.



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