Film gem "Local Hero" & the BP Oil Spill

I've been strangely haunted, lately, by the 1983 film, "Local Hero."

Opening scenes from Local Hero.

Like so many things these days, I can't put my finger on just why it's been on my mind so much lately, but feeling the need to revisit Local Hero's been in the back of my mind for weeks now.

Perhaps it's my way of connecting the dots within the context of the ongoing nightmare of the British Petroleum accident in the gulf.

Maybe it's because deep down I relate so very closely with the main character of the film.

Or, maybe it's because this film, which is actually 25 years old this year, was one of the first to say with love and humor, "Greed is evil.  Oil is bad.  Love this beautiful old world."

Maybe it's just the writing, the characters, the wonderful soundtrack and scenery...I don't know, but, if you've never seen this small, charming film, you might want to.

Tonight I tried to decide which one of the many numerous wonderful scenes would best illustrate my love affair with this movie.  But, I can't find just one.  

Inevitably, perhaps it's the final few moments in the entire film I find most poignant.  It's pretty much how I feel all the time.

Yes, I realize this is a crappy, dated, grainy copy of the final scene,  but I can't find a better one on YouTube, tonight.  So this all I got for you.  

My advice?  Rent the whole film and see it all.


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