Dr. Oz's shameless ratings grab with Carnie Wilson

Okay, so last Friday my daughter and I both were home sick during another rainy weekday, so while I just let her nap next to me I quietly flipped on the daytime television, which is something I almost never do.

Thus, it was under these circumstances that I saw my first and only "Dr. Oz" show.

(Notice how I feel compelled to apologize for watching daytime T.V.?)

Anyhow, Friday's Dr. Oz show was featuring celebrity, Carnie Wilson, who apparently Dr. Oz was gracing with a surprise weight loss intervention program. -- Oh, Carnie, you're so lucky!

What I found incredulous was his keeping a straight face while explaining that his program is based on "the Biology of Blubber." (Oooo. Sign me up!)

But, Dr. Oz went on to explain that it's really just a "back to basics" program. Okay, sounds easy. Cool

But, in his case, that means literally throwing out everything in your house, except maybe water, tofu and tampons. (In her case, it happened to be two gigantic folding tables loaded with food, carbs, juice, medications, and, I think, the kitchen sink.)

So, we all watch Dr. Oz and Carnie throw tons of perfectly good food (so practical during a recession) into a huge trash can marked "TRASH."

Then comes my favorite part, then he states:

"Now, doesn't that feel like you had a big bowel movement?"

All I can say is that unlike Carnie, I'd probably scream, "Oh, look! A chicken! And it's SO FAT!" And then rush off the stage.

However, it's ratings sweep week so instead Carnie Wilson stood there obediently attempting to gain composure after this incredibly weird T.V. moment.

But, don't take my word for it, it's found at this link in the second video from the top. About a minute and a half.

By the way, Dr. Oz's show dedicated to health and obesity was sponsored by commercials for Baskin Robbins, El Pollo Loco, and several other fast food joints. Nice!

Don't eat. Eat!



Anonymous said…
and your point is????
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Ah, well, my point is, and I have a few, that a "health show" presumably about fighting obesity looks absurdly hypocritical by blasting it's viewers with commercials encouraging viewers to gorge like pigs?

Or, that I think it's dubious Dr. Oz really cares at all about the health of his audience since he's happy to let Baskin Robbins pay for his being on the air?

Or, that Carnie Wilson's freakish willingness to expose her "biology of blubber" battles with television is more to do with "any press = good press" than with requesting the support of America on her intimate journey for healthcare.

And, that Dr. Oz's show is all about "Hollywood," Baby.

Yeah, these are just a few of my points.

Thank you, "Anonymous," for asking!
Oh, and I forgot the point I made regarding what a cringe-worthy moment it was when Dr. Oz asked her if it felt like she'd "just had a big bowel movement?" on national television.

That was almost in the Eric Schaeffer category of "odd conversation-starters."

Yeah, so, I forgot to mention that I was making a point there, too, thanks again for asking.

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