I'm a kitty cat and pants on the ground

My kids insist I post this.


They also think the other greatest song to hit the airways this year is none other than General Larry Platt's "Pants on the ground." from this year's American Idol.

You be the judge.



The Kitty Cat Song is perhaps the best song ever written. I memorized all the words.
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General Larry Platt (of American Idol) did himself a great disservice by not copywriting this ditty before bringing it to American Idol.

"Pants on the ground" is one entirely, regrettably, unforgettable song.

Thank you, Monsignor DeAntonio, for reminding me of other unforgettable tunes, like "Pants on the ground" as well as "Cat, I'm A Kitty Cat."
Nikita Cat said…
Your children are wise beyond their years...

A decent video even if it wasn't the Feline doing the Caterwauling.

Personally, I'll stick to writing poetry, and song, and not singing them. ;-D

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