Orange County's Crystal Cathedral Billboard reads "F#CK OBAMA"


No, I do not have a very good photograph of the sign and had to use a cell phone. I was driving my kid to school in Santa Ana and didn't expect to see a giant explictive about our president painted on a billboard about The Glory of God. My bad.

Truthfully, I don't care who painted that graffiti or why. I just care is that it was visible.

Let me tell you a bit about the massive industry of God that is "The Crystal Cathedral" and you can figure out if they have enough funds to get somebody up there and remove the huge, carefully painted in black and white words "FUCK OBAMA" painted with skill, I might add, right across the bottom of their huge billboard.

All quite visible by almost everyone travelling through the OC south off the Garden Grove freeway. Not cool.

Don't like the anti-Obama sign, either? Contact them and tell them so.


Who is the Crystal Cathedral?

Here's how they describe themselves off their own website:

Located in Garden Grove, California, the Crystal Cathedral is the home base for the international Crystal Cathedral Ministries, including a congregation of over 10,000 members and the internationally televised "Hour of Power."

To find out more about this ministry of "people caring for people," we invite you to select an area of interest on the right.

At the Crystal Cathedral There is Something for Everyone-Especially You!

We invite you to join us for Sunday morning worship services. Services are held at 9:30 & 11:00am and at 6:00 pm in the Crystal Cathedral. For additional information or dates and times of the Easter and Christmas services, please call the Crystal Cathedral at the following number: (714) 971-4000.

The Crystal Cathedral, located in the city of Garden Grove, is at the crossroads of the Interstate Freeway 5 and the Garden Grove Freeway 22, just west of the Orange Freeway 57.

The physical address is: 12141 Lewis St. Garden Grove, CA 92840

Click here for a map and directions.

The Crystal Cathedral is located at:
12141 Lewis St.
Garden Grove, CA. 92840

For reservations and more information call
714-54-GLORY or


Peter Varvel said…
Maybe it's open to interpretation?
Maybe it's 'Pick Obama' or 'Jack Obama?'
Okay, maybe not.

No, really -- the sign says "FUCK OBAMA" I "bleeped" out the word "fuck" for my facebook status because my mother would faint.

But the sign has big, fat, bold letters. In both white with black borders. It's a very careful job and extremely visible.

I need to see if it's still up tomorrow.

I called but all I got was evangelistic voicemail.
Anonymous said…
well atleast now we all know the true meaning of getting voices heard

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