Interesting dialogue about mommies who drink

So, I came across this on Heather Armstrong's mega-successful site, Dooce, and at first figured it was a prank video, like something SNL would do, but soon realized it was a serious dialogue about this subject and thought it was pretty interesting, actually.

(ps....sorry about the commercial part at the beginning.)

* Please note: Someone contacted me via email that they didn't understand why this was on my particular blog (I think they were concerned for me, given that I'm a mom and posted this.) and I realized that I should clarify, that the reason I did find this "momversation" so interesting was because I know this is a valid issue, and something moms talk about when they are alone, however they do not usually discuss out in public. Therefore, let me state that I applaud the honesty of those who were involved in this made-for-blog video, that's all, and that's why it's on this particular mom's blog, now.

Okay, well.

Oh, look! It's 9:38 A.M! Time for my morning bourbon and soda. (And if you don't know if I'm joking or not, then you probably shouldn't be reading my blog, anyway.)


After my wife gives birth I hope she doesn't start drinking, fighting with me and then forgetting about it.

Or get so wasted that she puts the baby on top of the car and accidentally drives off.

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