Scott Howe Langmaid, 1961-2009

I'm sorry, but childhood buddies are just not supposed to start dying yet.

Especially ones as funny and sweet as Scott Langmaid.

That's Scott in the photos below. And yes, he would kill me for posting them, they're dreadful. But they were fun times, as well, so I hope all's forgiven when it's my turn.

It seems as if every play I ever did at BUHS had Scott in the cast...He was always so supportive and funny and best of all, actually got my jokes -- even the really rude ones. We did a lot of cracking up during this show.

Here he is with the 1978 Brattleboro Union High School Stage Crew. Front row, far right.
Were we really close?

No. Okay, no. I suck at staying in touch with people. But, I always cared about him. And he did come to my wedding. Actually, as I recall, he gave us a great toast on our wedding night, when I so badly needed some levity and some kind of reminder of who I really was.

Yesterday my mother phoned to say she'd just seen his obit in the local paper and wondered if I knew what had happened. That's how I first found out that he'd even moved out to Los Angeles. I had no idea till yesterday that he was so close by me all this time.

In any case, although I have far better photos of him, here are a few from our old yearbook.

Oh, crap. Scott wouldn't have expected poetry from me, anyway. What can I say? This isn't right. Scott was kind and funny and he was my friend. It was just way too early for him to go.

Here's a link to his obituary in the Brattleboro Reformer. It's pretty sparse. But, if you go there look for the guestbook page for him, there, too.

You know, when I look at Scott's photo below, he looks so sad, which is ironic, I suppose, given that all my memories of him were infused with such humor, kindness and joy.

Scott Langmaid
1961 - 2009

Scott, you'll always be remembered for your kindness as well as for your laughter.
RIP, my friend.


Peter Varvel said…
Poetry-schmoetry. I'm sure Scott's energy, wherever it is, wherever he is, loves that he is remembered by you.
That's what most of us want, isn't it?
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Anonymous said…
Used to go to Green Street Elementary in Brattleboro with Scott and later at BUHS. Very sad to hear the news, he was way too young. Louise, I see you on facebook, looks like you know a few people that I knew back in Brattleboro and Putney. Thanks blogging about this. Jen Harington posted about it on facebook. Cheers!
Thanks, for posting, Scott. Did you do any theater in Vt? It's a very small world, made so much smaller by facebook, no?
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the post on Scott. He was my cousin. We grew up together and later shared an apartment in Boston. He was a rare soul, funny but troubled, much loved by those who knew him even when he was not understood.
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Hi, Gina

You're Scott's cousin? Oh, I'm so, so sorry for your loss. That has to so hard when you lose a friend and a member of the family.

I am glad you think this posting a good thing. I have gotten some email from people who also say the same thing and add how talented but troubled Scott was.

All I can say is that it is some consolation to know he is now at peace after such a challenging path he chose.

Thanks for writing and I'm so sorry about your loss.
Angela Wood said…
I worked with Scott the last two Halloweens at a Costume Shop in LA. He was such a wonderful man. He enjoyed every day and always came in with a smile! Even after running to catch a bus or two to make it to work. We all had so much fun working with him. I am very sad to find out he has passed away. I miss him.
Anonymous said…
I worked with Scott back at Bloomingdales in Chestnut Hill, MA in the early '90s. He was such a sweet, funny man. I always wondered what happened to him-he had his demons but he was always such a kind person. I'm so sad to find out that he passed away.

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