Tim Robbins Keynote speech to NAB Convention in Las Vegas

Standing up to the big boys:

I love it when someone has the guts to stand up to the big boys.

But, in particular, it takes real guts to be an actor who lectures the NAB. Which is why everyone should listen to what Tim Robbins was recorded doing the other day at the NAB convention. The message he sent wasn't just directed at media production, but media consumers, as well.

And that would be, us.

It's all so dark and cynical out there. Did I mention sensational? I am no prude. Trust me. But, geez. It's getting bad out there.

Naturally, this has been disturbing to me as a parent. How do I stay honest about our leaders and not kill my children's hope for the future? Knowing there are those who feel as I do about this issue is encouraging to me.

Mr. Robbins should be thanked for having the courage to challenge those in in charge of our "collective dreams." We need to keep reminding them that they are in a position to change society, not just make money off of us.

We all should demand we are offered something substantive instead of the usual TV/Media junk so our country still has some shreds of moral character to hang on to especially during these troubled times. Since when did "doing the right thing" ever get so boring and uninteresting?

I guess, Elvis (no, not that one.) summed it up best What's so funny about peace, love and understanding? Sorry, but I dare "the big boys" in broadcasting to create programing that's shoved down our throats both rich, and challenging and ethical. I dare them.

So, what will happen next? Will broadcasters continue to contribute to the moral obesity of our nation's character, or will they actually branch into programing that makes us think? Or, even, feel. Is there anyway to market a new media successfully? And if not, can we change the market? Wouldn't that be a smart thing to do?

In any event, public displays of standing up to the "big boys" (be they corporate, academic, familial or any other gang-like establishment) isn't just what is required in these times; It also makes for very interesting media content.

Go, Tim.


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