
Great new indie band: Barcelona

I, and apparently everyone else, posted that cool aquarium video on my blog this week. Now I find I can't get enough of the song used in that video, "Please Don't Go" which came from the new indie band, "Barcelona." And how cool is it that the reason they were cast into the spotlight was because some random, creative blogger posted a video clip that featured their music? You gotta respect the internet. Here's what Barcelona has to say about "the aquarium" experience: So, hey, I say support the dudes. Go to iTunes and buy their great music so they can make more of it.

Hee Haw -- Yoga style!

This really is billed as "Hippie Weirdo Yoga Farmers." Need I say more? Hippie Weirdo Yoga Farmers - Watch more Funny Videos I suppose I should ask "are you breathing?????"

Tonight on "Life on the D List" -- Meet "Norma Gay!"

I was asked to do a guest blog post on the very cool LGBTQ website The Bilerico Experiment , about Kathy Griffin, in her endless quest to become an A-lister ending up becoming an activist – which is clearly an entirely different A-list – fighting alongside her many gay fans against California Proposition 8. And, so I'm hoping you visit me on Bilerico to read all about how much I love Kathy Griffin and how amazing I think it is that she's gotten behind (so to speak) our battle to repeal Prop 8 along side so many others who know Prop 8 is both antiquated and unconstitutional which should be repealed, "like, yesterday ." -- As my twelve-year-old would put it. Check out my post, "Kathy Griffin: Comedian and Activist" here. Given that you’re reading this on a site billed as "Louise on the Left," I’m guessing you’re well-versed in the history of California as a gay battleground state, but gays and lesbians aren’t the only Californians pissed off abou...

Spike Jonze, Where The Wild Things Are, and other cool stuff

As anyone knows who's read some of my past posts, I cannot wait for Spike Jonze's release of Where The Wild Things Are , but luckily for me, Mr. Jonze has posted a cool site with all sorts of exciting, interesting other links to work which has caught his attention. We Love You So : Spike Jonze website link with links to great films soon to open Kuroshio Sea - 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world - (song is Please don't go by Barcelona) from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo . "We Love You" suggests that one download the above first so it plays smooth and watch it full screen.

Kathy Griffin: Comedian and Activist

Or, as Melissa Etheridge dubs her, "Norma Gay!" That's right, comedian Kathy Griffin, in her endless quest to become an A-lister ended up becoming an activist – an entirely different A-list – fighting alongside her many gay fans against California Proposition 8. Having been a longtime Kathy Griffin fan , learning about her new leaf as a political activist really made me sit up and take notice. Given that you’re reading this on Bilerico, I’m guessing you’re well-versed in the history of California as a gay battleground state, but gays and lesbians aren’t the only Californians pissed off about this. Many of us straight people are – I’ve been writing about this for months – and now Kathy Griffin is in the fight too. In this episode (Episode 8, Season 5) of her show “My Life On The D-List” which airs this Monday, July 27th, on Bravo , Griffin takes on a more serious tone than usual, starting off with a declaration of war, more or less, on the eve of the California Supreme Cou...

Coldplay convert in the OC

During "Yellow" hundreds of huge yellow orbs began bouncing over us. Light, fluffy glowing orbs all over the audience. Yes. I did mean to use that word, "Convert." Prior to last night I'd been a fan of the band, just not a super freak for Coldplay . But, that was prior to about 9:05 pm last night. Because, I am now. Mind you, I'd been very excited to learn we had tickets for an A-list event like this. But, I have to admit, I really had no idea what I was in for going to a Coldplay concert. The Coldplay concert last Sunday was massive in the true meaning of the word. It was multi-sensory experience, and larger than life and an event that clearly a great deal of thought and planning and expense had gone into. I should have known things would be massive given just the size of the tickets. This event was so huge even the tickets were airplane-ticket sized. The visual effects were extraordinary . These glowing orbs were always moving and changing color...

Space is the place, baby. Space is the place.

Driving home tonight. It's around 6 pm Saturday night, and the sun is in my eyes, cars bumper to bumper. I wondering if I applied enough sunblock to make it through this traffic jam, tonight , our dinner groceries melting in the trunk. So, I flip on KCRW (89.9) to hear THE WEIRDEST SONG, EVER. Then, another. Then, another. ( Clearly, I did not inherit the "rock music critic" gene.) And that was all part of the intro of what was, apparently, an entire show devoted to Sun Ra. Get home. Tell Pete, "Hey, I heard the strangest thing on KCRW, tonight. It really surprised me, because it wasn't like the other stuff you usually hear this early in the day. It wasn't even midnight, or anything. It was more like bizarre college radio." I'm unloading groceries and trying to explain who the announcer was and how trippy the sounds were -- and Pete interrupts me. "Wait, this is Henry Rollins? He's doing a whole show...