
The Ghastly Gorey

Okay, as someone with a fairly sizable collection of Edward Gorey memorabilia, it wasn't unusual to be sent a link to some of his apparently overlooked work. However, what was astonishing was how disturbingly differenent this  was, even for someone like, well, like Edward Gorey. Granted, I, myself, can be known to have an occasionally grim sense of humor, but this particular book? I don't know, it just hit me wrong. What's the matter with me? Am I getting too old to laugh at dark comedy, now? Yes, Edward Gorey was a creative genius, but, I still find myself asking: -- Was he trying to piss someone off with this book? The title in question, The Recently Deflowered Girl, is unappologetically loaded with so much (uncharacteristic) misogyny that I was stunned. It actually didn't seem like his other stuff. I thought. Perhaps he never even wrote it, at all. Hard to tell at a glance since he's used so many faux names before. Maybe it was nothing more than an illustr...

Flying my own freedom prayer flags high all year

Another positive change after reading   Bamboo Nation. Hot Yoga.   Really.   And, it is. Yesterday, Prince Gomolvilas's New Year's Resolution post finally inspired me to stop procrastinating and finally go to a "Core Power Yoga" class for the first time! Look, I know that doesn't sound like much, to normal people, but I have some boring health issues, and the most limiting one of those is my knee problems. Truthfully, my knees have often kept me from dealing with my physical life, but, lately I've committed to making a change for myself. I love writing, but movement is often an overlooked enterprise when one is lost over their keyboard. So, I wanted to change that tune for myself. Somewhere between Prince's blog and being somewhere, amazing, like VT, I have decided not to let one bum knee keep my body from, well, "being under challenged." So, I looked hard at what I loved about being back in a place like Brattleboro, Vt. (or Northamption, Ma.)...

My better-late-than-never New Year's Resolutions for 2009

Today is Monday, January 5th, 2009. It is the first day back at school (for my kids) and back at work (for my husband).   I have made it through zero "alone time" for over 5 weeks solid without voluntarily checking into the Brattleboro Retreat Farm to "pat the bunnies" forever. But, what today really means, for me , is that today is my own "New Year's Day."   Naturally, the first thing I do with my independence is check Bamboo Nation to see what I've missed. And I see I missed something crucial:  My list of New Year's Resolutions. (Below is a link to the post from Bamboo Nation which got me thinking about the importance of actually making resolutions.)  Happy New Year! Dream Big ! The best part of Prince Gomolvilas's wonderfully written, inspiring post, (which I highly suggest you read) was this: ...Now don't get me wrong. I like my life. And I find tremendous value in appreciating what I have now and where I am—appreciating the pre...

Moonlight and tramps

Still missing Vermont. It is cold and damp. And that is why the lady is a tramp. Everything's true, except I do dish with the rest of the girls.

Never claimed to be high brow, but...I love Kathy Griffin

These moments I luckily witnessed live on New Year's Eve, watching CNN really did make my New Years Eve so much more fun. Watch how Kathy and Anderson react to this one: I was doing live commentary on my facebook while watching Kathy and Anderson, and while these are officially the more "rude" moments of from the show, there were plenty of G rated moments equally as hilarious. I love that woman. However, my all time fav "Kathy Griffin moment" of the night was when she heckled back at the guys...When I saw her say this, I could not believe she was still actually ON camera? Oh, my God. Priceless. I know I wasn't drinking. That much. New Orleans moments... More Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper New Year's Eve fun.

Christmas Day.

Today is Christmas. The sky is a brilliant blue. The tops of the pine trees lay golden against the sky and the wind sings in the tree tops. The percussion of melting snow insistently punctuates the distant laughter of children sledding with their new gifts. The air is clean, moist and sweet. Wispy clouds dust the horizon in light shades of mulberry and the rolling hills glow in streaks of rust and blue. It's so quiet and clean. I need for nothing walking on the dirt road and no matter which way I turn, the light is amazing. I feel my thoughts move inside like wet hands in a warm mitten. Everywhere I go here, it feels like home. I simply cannot imagine how to fly west, now.

Main Street, Brattleboro, Vt. On a snowy day before Christmas.

"In my little town...God keeps his eye on us all. And he used to lean upon me, when I pledged allegiance to the wall. Coming home after school. Flying my bike past the gates of the factory..." As we drove through town the other day I started taking photos to share with those few people out there who spent their childhoods here near Brattleboro, Vt. So much is still the same, yet it has evolved so much since we moved there in 1968. It sure wasn't the "Little San Francisco" it is, back then.  It's interesting to remember this.