S.O.S. Protest Against Gun Violence in our schools at Los Alamitos High School 2/22/18

Thursday February 22 2018 

LAUSD parents, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS

Great turnout early this morning in Los Alamitos to rally to demand more action against gun violence.  We had so many people there given we organized this protest in about 48 hours, included Orange County candidate, Laura Oatman, running for Congress in the 48th Congressional District.  She was the only of at least eight candidates running for this seat at the protest.  Los Alamitos is a part of the 47th CD, so Oatman coming all the way up from Laguna Beach meant a lot to us.

In the end, we had people bring voter registration forms and got a few new voters signed up, too!

This is how change happens.   Hope this inspires others to protest for change as well.

LAUSD parents, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS

LAUSD parents, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS

LAUSD parents, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS

LAUSD parents,  students, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS with LAHS Senior, Zaccary Bradt, an amazing young man, also part of YDSA

LAUSD parents,  students, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS

LAUSD parents,  students, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS

LAUSD parents,  students, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS #lauraOatmanforCongress

LAUSD parents,  students, residents, community leaders, at the S.O.S. Save Our Schools protest LAHS #LauraOatmanforCongress

Here's an image file for downloading to copy and modify for any other school choosing to hold their own protests -- We hope you do!


Thursday AT 7AM: Save Our Students (SOS) Los Alamitos
community demand more action against gun violence
Los Alamitos, CA— On Thursday, February 22, community members organized by dozens of teachers are asking their community for help. Teachers, parents, and community members from Los Alamitos and surrounding areas will gather in front of Los Alamitos High School to demand more action from their elected officials to act on gun violence and school shootings. This is not about fences, police on campus, metal detectors, or other actions by schools but about the absolute need for fundamental change in our laws and society.
While we consider Los Alamitos High School to be safe we want to follow the example of the brave students from Parkland and use our voice to ask the community and government to demand more, to move past “thoughts and prayers” and make real action to prevent mass shootings in our communities. Despite the school’s work to keep us safe, Parkland showed us all that we need to do more as a country.

WHAT: Save Our Students (SOS) Rally against gun violence
WHERE: Los Alamitos HS 3591 W. Cerritos Ave
WHEN: Thursday February 22 7AM
WHO: Teachers, parents, students, and concerned community members who know their school is already doing everything possible but it’s still not enough.

“We must be a City upon a Hill! When something is broken in America, we fix it. Well, something is definitely broken” Pauline

“Technology and the weapons of war have advanced to the point that if the NRA truly wants to protect the 2nd Amendment they should consider common sense regulation on public use of weapons designed for war. When universal background checks, banning bump stocks and semi automatic weapons is seen as infringement by some-we all need a reality check. The alternative is more of the same. Regularly occurring massacres of Americans.” Mark

This action builds upon events from Parkland, Florida and the thousands of violent acts caused by guns and the continued inaction by our leaders. Those in attendance on Thursday will urgently demonstrate that we need help, that while our school is doing all it can, it isn’t enough. 


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