Frank Capra looked into the future and saw a Trump presidency: And it wasn't pretty...

A world without core human values, such as kindness, empathy, a connection to one's community, caring for others, is a world doomed to crumble and fail.

Trump's world, I fear, would look much like Frank Capra's "Pottersville," from It's A Wonderful Life. A place where ruthless progress (for oneself) is valued over all else. We are a strong, but also fair and compassionate country. (At least we wisely strive to be.) But, Trump does not see any longterm value in those core human values. And that is his ultimate failing.

Putting others needs and first is not partisan. It's not Socialism. It is human.

And we need to stay human to survive.

We need a presidency where core human values are built right into the very platform for our own happiness and survival.

It is our country's capacity for caring for others how we both flex and strengthen our greatest muscles. And the entire planet sees this for what it is: Beautiful and revolutionary. And they revere and respect us for these noble concepts.

A world, a Trump presidency, built without core human values, would be no life at all. It would just be "Pottersville," and thus, doomed to fail.


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