"Success" by singer songwriter, Nellie McKay (pssst! It's about Bernie Sanders!)
Written and performed by Nellie McKay

i told her not to cry anymore
i told her not to fight in his war
life was a waste there in a sunday school parade i..
wake up with a rush to the head
pour some coffee and force my dinner
air crisp and the tail lights red
scuttle right now they're getting dimmer
don'tcha know i said this could not be true
anyone could see i's due but you
spend time in your subaru
you got all the perks
is this the scene it ought to be
doesn't seem quite possible
is this the free economy
doesn't seem quite logical
they say hard work is happiness
bang bang bang there goes the bell
i'm heading right towards success
agua fresca, agua pura...
agua fresca, agua pura...
yo le dije no a llorar - i told her not to cry
yo le dije no a limpiar - i told her not to clean
el ascensor no se detendrĂa en nube--the elevator would not stop on cloud...
despertar a toda prisa - wake up hastily
encienda el televisor - turn the tv on
comer beber vestirse ir - eat drink dress go
ni un minuto para pensar - not a minute to think
don'tcha know i said it could not be right
anyone could see i'm dyin tonight
getting by on overtime
we got all the work
is this the boon it ought to be
maybe it ain't happened yet
is this the new democracy
doesn't seem compassionate
i hate the time and stretch latex
bang bang bang there goes the bell
i'm heading right towards success
ladies we gather ranks today
to be rather frank in saying
we have been wronged and we've all had enough
come sister join with us
here out on the picket line
you will have a grand old time
sister can you spare a sign
walk the circle take your time
you will not be left behind
sister can you spare a sign
there may be better days but let it be done
let it be done
let it be done
here out on the picket line
you will have a grand old time
sister can you spare a sign