Reflecting on past videos

This was made this over the summer, I first posted it my blog back then.  

At the time all I wrote was this, below --

We are all in constant motion.
Toward home. Away from home. Toward new futures.
Toward separations. Toward new narratives.
Journeying roads known, to destinations unknown.
But always, we have each other, and our memory of our journey.

We have not been always understood, but still -- she and I.  And her sister and I and her sister. We all have each other.  Which.  Is not nothing.

They have each in very different ways each have taught me what love really means.  As has their father.  And that is not an easy lesson to learn.  Not by a long shot.   I can only hope I have done the same for each them.

I respect and love my kids so much it makes my heart hurt.

I respect each, as very different, yet in harmony within this, our orbit,  each young women who are persons of unbelievable inner strength.  But, not in the entirely the same way.  The one more extroverted, is perhaps the most fragile.  The quiet one: The one who could not life a 20 pound weight, is the one who could outlast us all.  Each possess a profound perception and insight I could never have hoped to teach. 

With them, my family, I do know I am completely understood.  I only hope they too feel the same way.

t runs in our veins, this bond, a daily breath of support for the other -- because, not to breathe is inconceivable.

Every day.  No matter what losses are endured.   Or failures swallowed or dreams dashed.  We know we have this, even if it does not pay bills or wipe out losses or even open doors.  This pact. It is there.  A island in the sea.

I did not have a trail of breadcrumbs to follow as a byproduct of my heritage.

I may not have a book written, or a job to fall back on, yet -- I wouldn't trade spending my few years along side them for anything on earth.  The mere journey is gold.   It may not bring gold, but the bringing is the gold.

I have seen my kids take punches intended for me.  And in turn I have taken many a punch intended as a result of just asking something I felt was required on their behalf.  No matter.  We are a tribe.

For this I have only the purest of gratitude.   Time is fleeting.   I seized the day and captured armfulls of memories and not much more.  And for this I have nothing but gratitude.

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