FANGRY: The "chick" CD you should have packed for that road trip this summer.

What could be better for the summer, filled with long car trips or driving the kids around for hours, than plopping into your CD player some great "summer chick music."  Something that beats listening NPR for the second time thru or playing more crappy tunes for the kids, no?

What you need is "chick music" -- this time, music with a kick in the ass.

Meet Cynthia Kaplan, the singer/songwriter.

And this is Fangry, her CD, which is a unique combination of original, beautiful music that packs a punch in the face if you're on her bad side.  Which, apparently is what fish sticks, slacker BF's, and a host of other annoyances are.   But hell, give this woman a guitar and she'll rock the house before burning it down.

Not that I'm a bit surprised.  I am not.  For we are talking about the very same Cynthia Kaplan who wrote best-seller Why I'm Like This and Leave The Building Quickly: True Stories.   Ms. Kaplan is no slouch with her wit, but who the hell knew this woman was musically gifted, too?

(Okay, well, I did.   But that's another post.  Later.)

But imagine the voice of an acoustic angel…who is very, very pissed off:  Light, lyrical, lilting, yet in Kaplan's case, livid and lurid, too.

But it works. It doesn't matter what she's lancing with her barbed wit, the end result is perfection.

Well, hey, what'd you expect? When you take esteemed best-selling writer, Cynthia Kaplan with her crackling wit and laser-sharp observations, a truly beautiful singing voice, and songwriting on the par of  Dar Williams, what you get is Kaplan's FANGRY:

Her lovely, crisply articulated lyrics will fall softly about your ears, and before you know it, once you stopped being shocked by her point of view, you find you're laughing at how peculiarly irrate her perceptions are.  And I mean, about everything.  Well, everything that's been bugging the crap out of you, but you never knew until she pointed it out.  Which is, of course, something Kaplan's very good at.

I mean, who knew fish sticks were disturbing? Till Fangry, not I.

Check out her newest CD "FANGRY" here.

Here she is singing live about coming home to slacker bf who may think he's perfect but, can't get a fucking job.  Very funny.  And I think seeing her live also helps display her warmth beneath her exasperation, which also helps captures us. And that it is all delivered in her unexpectedly lovely voice almost too beautiful for the message it delivers.

Listen for yourself:

Better yet, download her cd, pop it into your car for that long-distance summer trip with the family.

It's not music for the kiddies, but perfect for when you want to shock your teens into submission that they are hardly to only humans to pitch a fit about what bugs them, or to entertain yourself when you KNOW the kids have stopped listening to you completely.

Or you could just listen to one more rendition of Carly Rae Jepsen's Call Me Maybe, or Katy Perry from Cleveland to New Jersey.

PS.  I REPEAT. BE WARNED:  KAPLAN'S CD AIN'T FOR KIDDIES.  (Well, maybe YOUR kids, not mine.  I'm the only one allowed to have a gutter mouth in our family.) And her songs are almost exclusively NSFW.

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