
Showing posts from July, 2012

A happy girl and her ocean

While most of this past year I've been doing my own version of "Driving Miss Daisy," there are plenty of times when I have to admit I am so, so lucky to have the opportunity to spend alone time with my kids, whether or not it's stuck in traffic, or at a museum, hard at work, or even, as in this case, on the beach.  Whatever the case, I never forget that I am so, so lucky. What strikes me about this film clip is the "fuzzy" quality to it. I think the lens has sunblock on it, which is obviously not great,  but it does add to perfect misty, dreamlike quality to this clip.   And as I've always told my students, accidents are where some of our best work occurs. So here is a happy girl and her ocean.   And that's me holding the cellphone reminding myself that I really am the luckiest person in the world.

FANGRY: The "chick" CD you should have packed for that road trip this summer.

What could be better for the summer, filled with long car trips or driving the kids around for hours, than plopping into your CD player some great "summer chick music."  Something that beats listening NPR for the second time thru or playing more crappy tunes for the kids, no? What you need is "chick music" -- this time, music with a kick in the ass. Meet  Cynthia Kaplan , the singer/songwriter. And this is Fangry, her CD , which is a unique combination of original, beautiful music that packs a punch in the face if you're on her bad side.  Which, apparently is what fish sticks, slacker BF's, and a host of other annoyances are.   But hell, give this woman a guitar and she'll rock the house before burning it down. Not that I'm a bit surprised.  I am not.  For we are talking about the very same Cynthia Kaplan who wrote best-seller Why I'm Like This and Leave The Building Quickly: True Stories .   Ms. Kaplan is no slouch with her wit, ...