I just got so completely lost listening to "Don't Be Sad" performed by Brad Mehldau.

It's a work so heartfelt, rich and emotionally evocative that it's hard to believe Mehldau's just an American kid from Florida.

But, that's the thing about jazz, it can be on the one hand so utterly sophisicated, that it's difficult to imagine that it's pretty much our (young) nation's invention. (I mean, Marie Antionette and Shakespeare can't lay claim to that one.)

Anyhow, people:   just listen to this. 

I scoured the net searching for a decent clip of him playing it live, but all I really found was some nerd's bootleged cell phone recording which was pretty blech.

However, I did find another gorgeous clip of him which is from his own site which is so much better than anything else I could find.

So this clip is the lucky winner of free real estate here on my blog.


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