Heartbreaking images of Vermont's epic damage from Hurricane Irene

I have an odd trajectory through life, I live in Southern California now, but was born in New Orleans and parents moved to Southern Vermont when I was in elementary school.  They live there still.

Hurricane season broke my heart with Katrina and this year's season breaks my heart with news of catastrophic damage in Vermont, too, today.

Brattleboro Reformer Video of Sunday August 28th Damage

Breaking: More video footage of Vermont flooding

Substantial link with Southern Vermont damage

Here is a link with some extremely heartbreaking images of Irene's damage there.

"In Brattleboro, where several businesses along Main Street flooded when the Whetstone Brook overflowed, Carolyn Gregory said people had been shocked by the amount of water on the ground. “People thought the storm had totally wimped out,” she said, “but then all the flooding started. It was unbelievable.”"



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