Today's "The Rapture!" (Will this include Horsemen or Just Those Scary Angel Trumpets?)

May 21, 2011?

Better put down your headsets, people.  See that cynical woman above?

SHE didn't put her headset down, did she?  Nooooooo.  

She smoked cigarettes and was a big, fat doubter who had sex just for the fun of it and so she will soooooo go to hell now.    Her soul was defective due to "poor choices" and she found all this out the hard way.  You know, The Hard Way. Like on the last day of the world, at the end of Gabriel's trumpet, staring into an eternal abyss of pain and regret, "the hard way." That is so not good.

So, yep.  This is it:  May 21, 2011:  Today is "The Rapture" but only some of us will be joining Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny for it.

"The Rapture."  1991.  What a completely creepy movie that was.

Well, It's been a few years since I saw it, but, hey!  Sounds like a fun movie, no?  Rent it.  Make popcorn.  Kick back.  Relax.  And then repent your ass off.

OMG -- But, those creepy trumpets!!!

The sound of all those collectively pissed off angels trumpeting endtime in "The Rapture" just totally Freaked.  Me.  Out.  So, I'm telling you -- Today?  Hey, if I even think I hear so much as a car horn  I'll have my own "endtime."  Man, those angels were so pissed off.

Seriously that entire film gave me nightmares like "Walkabout" did when I first saw that one.

But, hey, here we are!   May 21, 2010!  Is this is?  Are we at ENDTIME?

But, right now? This Saturday? I have 7th grade papers to grade, a house to pick up and tonight a play I'm excited about reviewing, (Three Days Of Rain") at South Coast Repertory, so if there's going to be any big-ass endtime event I sure hope it kicks in soon.  I don't want to be too busy to miss the fun part.

Just saying.


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