Great Doc: "NY77" The Coolest Year In Hell

Granted, I was only sixteen at the time, still bouncing around a few schools in New England, but even during my occasional trips to NYC it was clear the place had become a jungle.

There was a visceral discord and an intoxicating wildness to Manhattan which I can't recall really witnessing anywhere quite like that again.  The LA riots were nothing compared to NYC in 1977.  Thank God my parents had no idea how insane the place really was, or I'd never have been allowed to go there on my own.

As for the collective madness and creative explosion going on, well, I guess you have to really feel like you're dying to finally find your most creative side.  Bummer.

Love Mayor Koch's quotes.

But -- Hello?  Be Warned. The video below is NSFW  (Yes, this means not safe for kids or for work. )

NY77: The Coolest Year In Hell is a terrific documentary that captures a pivotal moment in the history of a city and its pop culture. Here’s the whole beautiful mess.

-- Thanks to Dangerous Minds & Mark Campbell for posting.


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