Two summer movie standouts: Cyrus and Exit Through The Gift Shop

Still in a quandry about what to spend your summer bucks on at the movie theater?

Well, truthfully, I can't claim to have seen remotely everything out there this summer, but I will cite one or two highlights of mine.

The short review:
Great:  Exit Through The Gift Shop & Cyrus.
Good: Toy Story 3
Ho Hum:  The Kids Are All Right.

First of all:   I have to say, I loved Cyrus.

Funny, touching, quirky and very human love story, in the odd ball way that real life is, which I appreciate.

So many great uncomfortable moments that totally hooked me in.

Still cracking up from John C. Reilly's line "What are you doing with Shrek in the forest."

Loved this film.

I have to say, I did not really love the other "big relationship flick" of the summer, "The Kids Are All Right..."  Which, while sort-of interesting, kind-of, was actually kind of...bla.  and while it was entirely well acted seemed like a non-story.  Like Silverlake meets Toy Story 3, and chooses to let the stay very dull.  Or, rather, "Letters for Juliet" meets "Say No to Prop 8."

I would have liked to see Benning and Ruffalo really get enmeshed in the Moore triangle and all of them really question who they are and what they think passion is about and have a knock down, slug it out fight to the death for the object of their affections.  Maybe Moore could surprise the story line by ending up doing something even less expected.  That is what I was hoping for.  This film seemed safe and predictable.  But, I'll watch any of these actors do anything, regardless...It was an amazing cast.

Okay, so my other great summer film pick?

Exit Through The Gift Shop.

Banksy's Exit Through The Gift Shop (Exclusive 5 min Extended Sneak Peek)

Fun, enlightening, quirky and fascinating look into the compulsive world of street art.
The documentary is far more than it seems, it appears to be an art world documentary, but before you know it has become a mystery, and a commentary on not just the obsessive, competitive world of street art, but those who compulsively strive to be in that world.  The perspective of who is the subject of the film shifts focus quite unexpectedly more than one or two times.

Very unique and engrossing.  I really loved this.

Great summer watch.

Other than that.   Toy Story 3 is very engaging and beautiful.  I may have been more moved during this than The Kids Are All Right.  No, I know I was more moved by Toy Story 3.   When the boy goes off to college at the end of Toy Story 3, I was a mess.  When the kid goes off to college in The Kids Are...They were a mess, I just wanted to go home.

And you HAVE to see the visuals of the parts of this film that take place at the day care center.  The children's art, compared to the animation of the film was brilliant and beautiful.  I loved the realism vrs. the wildly sophisticated pixar animation side by side.  Really engaging characters, even more respectful to the intelligence of kids, great story lines.  Great story arc.  A winner.  And this is coming from someone really bored by most kids films.


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