For 2010 I've decided I'd like to win something

I've a confession to make: I've decided it's time to win something.

What to win is another question, however, I've come this far having decided I want to try to win something, and now I'll need your help.

So, just what does someone with a "personal blog" actually, if ever, really win?
Any ideas? I'm not picky, mind you. I'll take anything.

So far, the only things I ever won were one or two ribbons at the Guilford Country Fair for embroidering a pillow or baking something dense. Which, let's face it, at a county fair means "It got entered: It gets a ribbon."

Then, once, in Los Angeles, I entered the first and only game show I will ever be in.

I had this really bad idea that we could possibly pay for our wedding by going on a game show, called "Free 4 All" and win tickets somewhere for our honeymoon.

Free 4 All was a very short-lived game show hosted by Marc Wahlberg. However, as could be predicted we shamefully and rapidly lost to an annoying performer simply known as"Ant."

No, not that Mark Walberg.

That Mark Walberg.
(Mark L. Walberg.)

"Ant" was much faster at hitting the buzzer than we were. And his having all the right answers helped. In the end, all my team got was a big box of pepper spray, and copious orange oil cleaning products. (a bit of matrimonial foreshadowing, I suppose.)

But, "Ant" got the money, serious bragging rights and somehow has even made "guest appearances" on ANTM. I happen to find this last fact utterly stupefying, but what the hell do I know? All I've ever won is pepper spray.

And, I suppose "my team" had low game-show-self-esteem to start out with since we all chose "secret" names for ourselves "just incase we embarrassed ourselves by losing."

So, poor Mark Walberg (that would be Mark L. Walberg) who had to effortlessly juggle all of our team's secret names (Lulu, Pete & Xing) during this fast paced show:

The dialogue, usually at rapid fire pace, sounded something like this:

Mark Walberg: "Okay, so today we have Ant competing against Lulu. Lulu, who do you pick to help you with the next question?"

LuLu: "Uh, that would be my friend, Xing."

Mark Walberg: "Great! Okay, sorry, Pete, Lulu picked Xing, so moving right along, will Lulu, and Xing please step forward to face Ant..."

"Xing" was the only other "really smart" LA friend I knew at the time of the game show, I mean, other than my husband to be at the time, Peter. And because this was "all my idea" I was required to cobble together a "team of three smart people" for the show.

But, the joke is that "Xing's" real name is actually Sheridan. Sheridan went to Exeter Academy and was about as Chinese as I am Welsh.

However, that day, the day of our wonderful game show, Sheridan used his parent's (Chinese) name for him so that if he bombed out, nobody would recognize us. (They did.)

In any event, this year I want to win something, now.

Something good. Something respectable, or even just something shiny.

I've no idea where to start looking, so if you can think of any contests, for say, blogging, or whatever might be in that same ball park, feel free to let me know.

Gracias (in advance) to my fellow bloggsters who must surely know far more about this sort of thing than I, which is nada.


Unknown said…
What kind of award would you want to win?

Best writing? Best community? Best design? Best post ideas? Best blog theme? Best Oscar? (Okay, that last one's not really an option.)

You let me know what kind of award you want and as soon as I finish making Neil Patrick Harris notice me, I'll start work on the "Louise needs validation" meme.
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