Eric Schaeffer: I Can't Believe I'm Still Single. Pt. 2: The Marquis of Doucheboro.

Wow. He's back.

And the journey lives on, just like The Iliad, or Don Quixote or Popeye.

I was amazed he had a Season One, but turns out I'm not the only voyeur who loves to hate Eric Schaeffer, so now, there's a Season Two. Apparently Gawker shares my incredulity, as well.

So, since I last saw Mr. Schaeffer (previous post regarding the conclusion of "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single," Part One.), unemployment hit record numbers, Circuit City bit the dust, however Eric Schaeffer managed to survive the recession to open yet one more big ole' can of fat-ass on more astonishingly naive (read: dumb) women for his second round of "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single, Part Two" on Showtime. Go figure. More proof that Hollywood thrives during our national disasters.

BTW. I love women. More than Schaeffer does. I just have to smack my forehead when I see them show up for filming all dewy-eyed and vulnerable knowing that he will probably make them wear clown make-up before long. While begging them to wear a strap-on.

And, yes, I can't believe I'm going to watch it. But, I will. Sure, I'll watch his occasionally disturbing, often funny, completely mesmerizing car crash of male-ego, yet, one more time. He's unique, that's for certain.

So, the question really isn't "Why would you watch his show?" It's "Why wouldn't I watch it?"

He's like the friend you had that you always you looked forward to having lunch with on Monday so you could hear about all those crazy, stupid things they did that weekend, yet you cringed to hear them spoken aloud. Yet, you still wanted to be at lunch anyway. I think it's an addiction to observing someone's inner dirty laundry. Not proud of that, but, that's what it is.

So, yeah, I'll watch.

I can't say I think he's really capable of finding that real love he's always says he's seeking, but, hey -- as long as his epic search continues to be entertaining, who cares?

Previous posts regarding Eric Schaeffer:

The scariest person I used to know. And I sure don't mean biblically.

Catching up: Eric Schaeffer, Flipping Out, Shear Genius and more...

The conclusion of Eric Schaeffer's "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single."


A few links to one or two rants I'm guilty of participating in regarding
Eric Schaeffer off of Internet Movie Database.* (MUST READS.)

*And, yes, Yours Truly is "Mrs. Shrew." ( That needed explaining?)


CP said…
Very funny rant on imbd, Louise,
I hadnt seen that!

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