See? I told you it would be close for Melissa Leo

Radiant Best-actress nominee Melissa Leo arrives at the Kodak Theater for Sunday's 81rst Annual Academy Awards.
MSNBC ran a story about last night's neck and neck race for the Best Actress Oscar, which, as I predicted, could very well have gone to Melissa Leo.
I really thought last night would end up being a long-shot, outsider win for both Rourke and Leo...And I kind of think all their fellow nominees, thought so, too.
With votes split between Winslet, Streep, Leo could claim best actress prize
By Courtney Hazlett
The Scoop
updated 1:29 p.m. PT, Sun., Feb. 22, 2009
"LOS ANGELES - The buzz about an Oscar upset in the Best Actress category is too great to ignore. Perhaps everyone just wants something new to talk about at this point, or maybe it’s true — “Frozen River” star Melissa Leo could walk away with 8-1/2 pounds of golden Academy love in her hand. One voting member of the Academy echoed sentiments I’ve heard several times this weekend. “I couldn’t decide between Kate (Winslet) or Meryl (Streep) so I went with Melissa.”
Does Pricewaterhouse ever give up details on the vote count later on? It'd be so interesting to see the percentages of where the votes actually went.

I wish it had. Kate W is great, but Melissa is really special, and it was such an amazing job she did.