Drake Bell and premiere of Nickelodeon's Merry Christmas Drake & Josh

Speaking of Christmas and holiday movies...Guess where I was last night?

Well,  I was at the Drake and Josh Christmas Movie called, ironically, Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh.  And, newsflash, this was a "world premiere,"  which, take it from me, this mommy-blogger does not get to  attend every day.     Free popcorn, too.

Naturally, these photos of are the people who matter most, my daughters.

I have run and pick up some 12 yr old bday gifts for the one turning 12 soon. So far, only thing on her list is the first Twilight book and "some clothes I haven't grown out of, yet."

BTW:  Any one got any other ideas what to give a tweeny girl who technically is a "tweeny," but in far less of a "Jonas Bros." kind-of way, than in "John Hughes" sort-of, way?    She's much wiser than I've ever been, so I'm pretty stumped at the moment. 


He's wearing a bowtie! God, I love him!!!!!
Yes, he was wearing a bowtie. It was almost too nerdy, but not quite.

And as pretentious as that outfit could have been, he still had this "James Dean" thing going on. Even what he wore was just short of being called "Mr. Science Dude" (Chunky glasses, check blazer and bowtie.) But, I have to say, the ying-yang of it all balanced nicely.

Yep. A+ to the stylist. Took a a chance but it worked.
Peter Varvel said…
Juliet and Anna Lily are the ones who matter most?!!
I thought you were going to say it was Josh and Drake.
Just kidding.
Happy Belated Birthday to Juliet!
Of course they matter to me the most!

But, you know what?

You just clarified something very, very important to me just now.

You probably aren't even aware of what that is, but thank you, anyway!

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