
Showing posts from May, 2008

Did my kid's Birthday Party invite get sniped?

Birthday party dilemma and advice from a sloppy cupcake baker: Okay. So, my screwed-up mommy thoughts these days are: Did my kid's first grade party invite get sniped by another first grader's party, or am I just socially greedy? "And now," she said, speaking with a semblance of hindsight: "The answer is I was not technically sniped. However, I am someone who could be accused of being unreasonably hoggish regarding the sharing of party-goers." And so, I'm now asking the PTA Fairies ; Just what is the right way to handle dueling invites in grade school? Just to be clear: What I mean is, what happens when two kids -- different classrooms, same grade, same friends-- have conflicting parties at the same time? Admittedly, I made the biggest mistake right off the top: I tried something new. I put "Regrets Only" on the invite. Hey, can you blame me? So many people just blow off RSVP'ing these days that I figured by reversing the process o...

Need blog bone

Actually, I was half-asleep, but I think I turned down something similar to this late last night. This would explain why he woke up all cranky. Anyhow. Can someone please throw me a blogging bone to explain why none of my links are getting posted properly? Also, my code shows up on bizarre spots on my computer...Places where no cursor could dare be expected to type. Clearly, I'm seeing stuff, like dead people, that nobody else does. Is there some The Blogging For Dummies Who Use Laughably Obsolete iMacs To Blog Book , somewhere? And WHERE is the best place to blog, because I don't have the time to figure out why my posts don't display links at all, let alone correctly. Here's my dream come true: Down or upload this entire blog here into far easier to use other blog elsewhere...With no glitches. Any chance something like that exists? Thanks, in advance, for any blogging wisdom you may have to share. L.