Just had my sinus surgery...

For some writing is therapy; For others; an indulgence.
For some, it's both.

This Thursday I took the plunge and went in to USC to have a Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty done.

I decided if two years+ of antibiotics wasn't enough to cure "Severe Chronic Pan-sinusitis" that perhaps by getting this procedure would help. But, I won't lie: I hate hospitals. And I wasn't looking forward to this.

However, I'm hoping this will end a long battle with sinus problems over the years.

If you wonder why I'm posting these, it's because I would have liked to have been able to see what other's post-op photos of this procedure were (that were not not posted by any particular medical office.)

This is how I looked the first day:

Even though I am an avid fan of both David Lynch and David Kronenberg, I am opting not to gross out people just for thrills, so trust me; these are the "better" shots here.

(However, if you really, really want more details about this event, by all means, feel free to email me. I'm happy to send on the more vivid images.)

Let me put it like this. I look far worse now, on my third day in, than I look in these photos. I have had to shuttle my children off for the entire weekend in an exhausting round of of endless "playdates" so they do not have to stare at my bloated, swollen, bloody face.

Here's how it feels on day three: Like crap.

It's taking every ounce of energy not to rip the taping off my nose, since the surgeon has "taped it up" for the next week at a rather "pig-like" angle. It hurts and bugs the crap out of me.

I also have this maddening sensation of suffocating because the packing in my nose and sinuses is still in and I'm "draining" out my nostrils at a steady drip, drip, drip of bright red. Swallowing any food or drink is virtually impossible to due without your ears feeling like they are imploding.

Also, as of yesterday my eyes have become so swollen that they are bulging out of my splint like bright purple, shiny bulbs. The sharp plastic edges of the splint are now poking into my eyes just near the tear ducts, so it feels like someone is constantly holding a plastic fork prong in both tear ducts. It's maddening.

image removed by blog author now that she's come to her senses...


When my husband is with me, he is very good at speaking sternly to me to not give in to panic. But, he's not here and the desire to rip these bandages off my face is very accute. However, I will breathe deeply and go find some more pharmaceuticals at this time.

Zen. There's nothing to do but enjoy the ride, right? I'm out of the plane and all I have is a long ride down with this particular parachute and fighting the facts won't work here. I must float on and trust the process....

(When was the last time I took a vicodin? I must have another around here somewhere.)





Much better health all around. This was a much, much needed surgery and I have zero regrets.

Any more sinus surgery advice about my own journey with this? Email me.
Blog author update, AGAIN.

It's been about a year and a half and I have to have MORE sinus surgery. I have developed "sinus polyps" which are no fun, so they need to be removed. So, once more I plan to undergo the knife - AND NOT FOR ANYTHING FUN, EITHER!

Argh. Will update you later.
I have not had the second surgery, yet. I know I need to, but it was ghastly the first time, expensive as hell, and I really can't imagine when there will be a "really great time" for doing it all again.

That having been said, was doing this proceedure worth it? Yeah, it's a lot better than it was before.

It's not 100% better than it was before.

Oh, well, Rome wasn't fixed in a day, and neither is my breathing apparatus.
johann said…
My Sinus surgery is unforgettable. The discomfort is worse than pain. My nose openings are closed, so i have to breathe with my mouth for a week. My mouth is always dry so i have to wet it through drinking even if i am too full of water.

Now, I have to do nasal irrigation all the time which is something I have. two times a day meeting with my dear nasal irrigator is not easy for me.

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