
Maria Callas singing Puccini

Because sometimes words are not enough. And because I think we forget what truly beautiful singing sounded like.

When Breaking Bad has to watch Miley Cyrus Break Her Bad: Pop Culture Mashup

Last night: Airborne Toxic Event with Pacific Symphony

They were pretty darn perfect. Emotionally engaging songs. Sweeping music.  Great energy. Surrounded by a huge symphony orchestra. Heck, it's a day later and I still have all their songs playing in my head. Below I've posted some videos of some of their music. The first two songs are ones most familiar to people, but ones below those are less well-known but really struck a chord inside me. Had to share. Oh, and I should add there are amazing accoustic versions of all the below videos, however for the sake of introducing them on my blog I'm going with their slick "official" vids.  

Best summer video of 2103: Daft Punk meets Colbert by way of Breaking Bad

Best band of the summer + meets StePhest + meets best show of the summer "Breaking Bad." What's not to love?

"Missed Connection - m4w" (amazing writing from Craigslist)

Don't know who the author is, or when it was first written, but think it's a lovely  piece of writing. Missed Connection - m4w I saw you on the Manhattan-bound Brooklyn Q train. I was wearing a blue-striped t-shirt and a pair of maroon pants. You were wearing a vintage red skirt and a smart white blouse. We both wore glasses. I guess we still do. You got on at DeKalb and sat across from me and we made eye contact, briefly. I fell in love with you a little bit, in that stupid way where you completely make up a fictional version of the person you're looking at and fall in love with that person. But still I think there was something there. Several times we looked at each other and then looked away. I tried to think of something to say to you -- maybe pretend I didn't know where I was going and ask you for directions or say something nice about your boot-shaped earrings, or just say, "Hot day." It all seemed so stupid. At one point, I caught you st...

How To Stay Up All Night To Get Lucky


"Vermont," a video by one teen, about a summer car trip and it's many destinations

We are all in constant motion. Toward home. Away from home. Toward new futures. Toward separations. Toward new narratives. Journeying roads known, to destinations unknown. But always, we have each other, and our memory of our journey.