
memories of green

all those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain time to die it's too bad she won't live but, then again, who does? Featuring the perfection of: Vangelis Ridley Scott and Sean Young who was transcendent once she got out of the way

Vogue boy's got it goin' on and not just where you bump and grind it

This kid's got it goin' on. "VOGUE BOY": ME AT NINE, PERFORMING TO MADONNA IN SUMMER '91! from Robert Jeffrey / Angelo de Vries on Vimeo .

Depression's a mean bastard, even more so at Christmas. So, this year get your inner "Billy Wilder" on and do something about it.

It's the holidays. A time when so many of us hang lights, wrap gifts, send cards, play happy, jolly music…Only thing is, it's also a really hard time for another demographic. It's the season where many people get severely depressed. I want to talk about how depression can really take down some of the most creative, lovely, warm people you could ever imagine. You would be shocked if you knew just how many of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors all quietly try to keep their inner "black dog" of depression from taking over their life. Almost anyone is capable of succumbing to a variety of mood disorders under duress, but the top of the line is depression. Speaking of the "black dog," take, for instance, wonderful Vermont folk artist, illustrator, author, Stephen Huneck, who sadly died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.  He was only 60 years old. He loved dogs so much he created the famous Vermont Dog Chapel. But, s...

Steve Lambert: He's Everything You Want Right Now

Meet Steve. He's a visual artist I have been a fan of for some time now. Lots of people have posted his images, but I'm not sure they've always identified who actually created them, which rather irks me. We all deserve recognition for the cool stuff we do -- especially if our work's good enough to be poached for Facebook and Tumblr accounts. So, here's a few pieces by visual artist, Steve Lambert, whose work I randomly adore. (Lambert   has his own website, here.   It's good.  Go there.) After first discovering his images via Tumblr a few years back I quickly became one of his most ardent fans. The blue version, I guess.   Earlier video of one of his 2009 shows in LA. Steve Lambert solo show walkthrough from Steve Lambert on Vimeo . Here's a link to a good article about Lambert from Laweekly a few years ago  If you don't have time to read all that -- this part is pr...

still a big fan of...


Happy…holidays? -- Just go see Silver Linings Playbook, okay?

These are my peeps.

for this i am grateful

health  peacekeeping creative freedom humor children family the kindness of strangers food beauty for this i am grateful i am grateful for eternal love stronger than withering sun or rivers of ice for honesty so brutal the only road out is through mercy for the grace to keep eyes on the horizon while holding hands smaller than my own and still wanting to   after having come this far for this i am grateful