
More Lucy Pepper Love: 51 Words

I adore everything this Lucy Pepper puts her talents to: Here's her version of " A very silly story, inspired by 51 twittersourced things. " 51 from lucy pepper on Vimeo . Enjoy.

M.I.A.'s new video BORN FREE: Is controversial always better?

So, my husband sent me a link to a new video ( Born Free  by M.I.A.) for a couple of reasons: One, because he knows I have always been a huge fan of Costa-Gavras's work , and the video is, interestingly, made by   Romain- Gavras ,   his son who is clearly a chip off the old block. In fact, this video, Born Free, is the second politically controversial video he's made, the first being a video of a song called Stress by the group, Justice. (I guess there's a lot of pissed off gang kids in France these days making Clockwork Orange look like just a bad shopping day at The Block At Orange.) *Personal note* Digression I happen to love political drama. I must have seen Missing and The Music Box , and Pan's Labyrinth (made not by Costas-Gavras, but Guillermo Del Toro) about 5 times each.   I have always felt that artists and storytellers should use their talents to help contribute back to the community they live in on a global level. I know there's such...

I Feel The Earth, Move, Under my Eyjafjalajökull!

Amazing dueling footage of Mother Earth's astonishing fury, both real and as imagined by Disney. (Note first clip of visible shockwaves from  the crater at Eyjafjallajökull.) Other than when you saw Disney's Fantasia, when have you ever before  seen  red glowing lava as well as volcanic bombs flying through the air? Then again, you could always skip real life and fast-forward to Disney's  Fantasia's Rite Of Spring : I think I need the soundtrack of "Dueling Banjo's," here...

Take A Giant Step - by the one and only Taj Mahal

My life has been really upside down lately, and rather mixed up and as a result I've not done much blogging as of late. I've tried to learn more technological bells and whistles which, unfortunately have only served to make blogging that much more messy.   I apologize for this.  Hopefully, I'll be up to speed before long. In lieu of having anything of importance to say about the state of the world, or anything funny to share, I decided to go back in time and hunt down a recording of the first real "grown up" song I can ever remember coveting...And I can tell you that it was off of a great "hippie" album of one of my aunts and uncles, called "Take A Giant Step" by Taj Mahal.  I LOVED this album.  Still do.  And I think the entire message of this song sums up who I have always been, and who I will always be. I adore this song. Wish I had something live post.  If anyone can find a live video of Taj Mahal playing this live, I can't tell y...

Very funny thread off Reddit re: talking to kids about sex

Very funny thread off Reddit re: talking to kids about sex

Restaurant review of Miceli's Restaurant in Universal City

I specifically asked people (whose taste I still trust and respect) for the name of a place to eat at which would not be generic "or Hooters" to entertain someone from out of town while they were in the area, which is how I found Miceli's Restaurant. Here's my review of dinner out. Micelis' Restaurant  is definitely not your run-of-the-the-mill, urban strip mall eatery, like the over-priced crap on Universal City Walk.  However, it is the kind of Italian dive I could imagine shooting Bonnie Blakely in.   Add to this it also hosts what I would call the worst lounge bar in the world. I mean, to me, nothing says "nice dinner out" like trying to order pasta over screeched show tunes from "Annie" while being accompanied by a lounge band. The bizarrely over-priced Italian ambience does not stop there, either, in fact the entire restaurant looks  like a 1984 backdrop to a summer stock version of "Lady and the Tramp."  Red candle...