
Showing posts from May, 2015

The day "Everything Changed." CBS news. Louise Larsen. Parents Of Kids With A Severe Peanut Allergy, and daughter, Juliet Larsen

The year, 1998.    My daughter is one year's old.    I'm a first time mom of 37 with a bad case of laryngitis on the day of this segment. I was still reeling from having nearly lost my child to a danger I never realized existed until my child walked into the kitchen, pointed to her mouth, her eyes rolled back in her head, she fell to the floor and stopped breathing. This video is about the day (one of them) everything changed.

Teen spokesperson and professional model to address F.A.R.E. (Food Allergy conference) about pursuing her dreams by overcoming fears and staying positive

Great article by Christine Peddle in Allergic Living Magazine  which is always full of amazing information and entirely up-to-date info regarding auto-immune issues and allergies. And this edition has an article featuring someone very dear to my heart:  My eldest daughter, Juliet Larsen, who, in spite of life-threatening food allergies has found the courage to pursue a professional modeling career since the age of 14. NOTE: Juliet Larsen to address Teens at FARE Conference this Sunday, Long Beach, CA.  She will discuss how she felt growing up with this particular food allergy and how she did not let her fears of anaphylaxis stand in the way of following her dreams regarding participating in sports, theater events or even a professional modeling career.   **This Sunday, Long Beach, California at the 2015 annual  F.AR.E. Conference.

Oprah on letting go, surrender and how the Universe has a dream bigger than anything you can dream

So many great lessons in this video.