
Showing posts from May, 2013

My Journey through Stanley Kubrick at LACMA: In Pictures.

We went to the LACMA Kubrick exhibit last month and didn't stop taking pictures so that you wouldn't have to. My blog post is self-explanatory. It tells in pictures all that captured my eye.  The LACMA exhibit, called  STANLEY KUBRICK , is a complete, chronological survey of the director's oeuvre guaranteed to leave all who go entirely gobsmacked. (Did I mention it's  13,000 square feet of film making awesomeness?) The collection of all production and design items (ie: Props, story boards, costumes, set design and all the other completely OCD research for his films) are for my former brilliant and creative students in my 2011 Production and Design students at The Orange County School of the Arts . (Warning: The body of work by Mr. Kubrick is not considered appropriate viewing for youngsters, so I suppose you shouldn't look at these if you are under 18.  Just sayin'.) May you all be inspired to take your creati...

The Dog With The Longest Name In The World.

   Kids animate a song performed by the two of best children's entertainers you never, ever heard of: Jim Copp and Ed Brown . Agatha Hen, The Hen with the low IQ .