
Showing posts from February, 2013

Ben Affleck's Wise Words about Grudge-Holding and Success in his 2013 Oscars Speech

The only moment from the 2013 Oscars which held any kind of truth and beauty in it for me was  Ben Affleck 's Oscar Speech:     *SEE FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW Great words, great delivery…and in spite of complaining about his marriage to a room full of one billion people, a great guy, too.  B ut how the hell should I know?  I'm not Jennifer Garner. Let's get back to the speech -- It contained many truths worth noting and meditating on…Such as advice that one does not succeed if they hold grudges.  Okay --- Well, from the get-go I can tell you that this is a biggie.  I mean, not holding grudges is hard.   I'm not sure why he felt he needed to share this with us, and I'm fairly certain that someone, somewhere knows precisely why Affleck did include it, but we can all learn from his emotion-soaked reminder that that grudges probably aren't the best way to forge a successful business plan in life.  Always better to hear this from a guy ho...



Sarah Ziff: And her film "Picture Me" about her journey into the fashion industry

Meet Sarah Ziff, Founder of The Model's Alliance , a modeling advocacy group and the first of it's kind. Below is an intro to Ziff and her then boyfriend's documentary "Picture Me," an eye-opening film about her own personal journey into the high pressured world of fashion and modeling.

The Scared is scared

Love this! Watch!